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Blocked Fallopian Tubes: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Tubal factor infertility is one of the most common types of issues that a couple faces. Infertility can occur due to many different reasons, such as endometriosis, blood clotting, abnormal periods, and more. However, blocked fallopian tubes or tubal infertility is one of the most common causes. The International Pride IVF Centre in Delhi is your best choice in such cases.

In a woman’s pregnancy journey, fallopian tubes have the most vital role to play. Considering a female reproductive system, fallopian tubes are the pair of muscular (hollow) ducts situated between the uterus and ovaries. Each tube is the channel between the ovaries (where the body produces eggs) and the womb (where eggs fertilise and develop into a foetus).

Fertilisation occurs in these tubes. Later on, the fertilised egg transfers into the ovary. That makes fallopian tubes the most significant part of a female reproductive system. This post describes the blocked fallopian tube symptoms, its treatment, causes, and diagnosis.

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Understanding the Link between Blockage in Fallopian Tubes and Infertility

One of the most common causes of female infertility is tubal obstructions. If blockage occurs in both the fallopian tubes, it may prevent the sperm from penetrating into the egg. As a result, it becomes difficult for the women to conceive.

In addition, it also increases the chances of ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilised egg gets implanted outside the womb, most specifically in the fallopian tube. These tubes are thin and cannot support the space required for the foetus to grow. So, that results in various complications in a woman, even causing fatal death.

But with medical advancements, doctors can recommend certain things by which a woman (with blocked fallopian tubes) can achieve pregnancy. Here’s presenting the 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes:

1st step: Identify the symptoms of fallopian tube blockages and consult the healthcare practitioner.

2nd step: Understand the role of fallopian tubes in your pregnancy journey.

3rd step: Note down the noticeable causes of blocked fallopian tubes.

4th step: Show your reports to the fertility specialist.

5th step: Understand the severity of fallopian tube obstruction by diagnosing the condition via pelvic X-ray and hysterosalpingogram.

6th step: Take your decision under medical recommendations.

7th step: Get the female infertility treatment to achieve your pregnancy dream.

One additional step: Take good antenatal care to deliver a healthy baby.

The following points evaluate the causes of blocked fallopian tubes, their symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Blockage in Fallopian Tubes: Understanding the Causes

There are multiple causes of fallopian tube blockage. Here are the most common causes:

Pelvic inflammatory disease: Also known as PID, it’s a chronic infection occurring in the reproductive system of a woman. It affects the ovaries, uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. When bacteria enter the vagina and, later on, the pelvic organ, the infection spreads. Negligence can lead to scarring occurring in the tubes, thereby causing permanent damage.

STIs: Sexually Transmitted Infections can also create blockage in fallopian tubes. Take the example of chlamydia, where the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and causes PID. Even gonorrhoea can scar and block these tubes.

Endometriosis: The fourth stage of endometriosis may cause pelvic inflammatory disease. Lesions on the bowels and fallopian tubes may lead to complications. Besides, it may result in cysts that block these tubes.

Ectopic Pregnancy: It occurs when the fertilised egg is implanted in the tubes. Since the fallopian tubes are small and narrow, the fertilised egg cannot grow here. Thus, the doctor opts for surgery to remove the egg. This condition may lead to complete removal of the tubes or even scarring.

Fibroids: They areabnormal, noncancerous growths occurring inside the womb. Fibroids may affect the tubes and create blockage.

Past Abdominal Surgery: Surgery on the fallopian tubes, including tubal ligation, may result in pelvic adhesion. Later on, it can create blocked fallopian tubes.

Outlining the Blocked Fallopian Tubes Symptoms

Tubal blockage usually does not cause any symptoms other than pregnancy difficulties. The first symptom that most women experience is difficulty in conceiving. If pregnancy does not occur after 6-12 months of trying, the medical professional conducts a fertility test to check your fallopian tubes.

A specified blockage in the fallopian tube, namely hydrosalpinx, might cause symptoms like pain in the belly or pelvis region. This condition may also lead to unusual vaginal discharge in some women.

In hydrosalpinx, the obstruction causes the fallopian tube to dilate (or increase in diameter) and fill in fluids. This fluid prevents the sperm and egg from fertilisation. A few cases of blocked fallopian tubes may result from pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis, thereby causing painful intercourse and menstruation. In case of pelvic infections, you may experience foul vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, vomiting, and nausea.

Diagnosis: Assessing the Condition of the Fallopian Tubes through Medical Procedures

A doctor diagnoses the condition in different ways. Once you visit the fertility expert, the professional evaluates the condition in the following ways:

Ultrasound Scans

Blocked fallopian tubes ultrasound imaging is a non-invasive method of diagnosis that assesses the condition of your reproductive system. During this procedure, the doctor inserts a small probe into your vagina to diagnose the condition of your womb, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. What this process does is monitor the follicle development in the ovaries. For fallopian tube blockage, it measures the thickness of the endometrial lining.


This method evaluates the condition of the fallopian tubes. HSG, or hysterosalpingography, is one of the most common diagnostic methods that measures the size, lining, and shape of the uterus. At Pride IVF, hysterosalpingography test prices are affordable. At the same time, it opens the tubal blockage and is great for endometrial ablation. Note that endometrial ablation is a surgery that destroys the uterus’s lining, called endometrium. Also Read: How To Open Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

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Laparoscopy is another female infertility test where the medical professional checks the woman’s reproductive system, including the fallopian tubes. In this method, tiny abdominal incisions are created, and the laparoscope is implanted inside. A camera is attached to a thin tube that detects the causes of infertility. It’s an excellent method that evaluates the condition of fallopian tubes. It can be used for removing fibroids, cysts, and scar tissues.

Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Conventional blocked fallopian tube treatments include hormonal medications, whose success rates are lower in case of tubal blockage. As the medical world advances, there are more innovative procedures that help achieve pregnancy. If you have blocked fallopian tubes, your doctor may treat the conditions in the following ways:


Hysteroscopy is a tool for both diagnosis as well as treatment. This process evaluates both acquired as well as congenital intrauterine abnormalities. You can consult a fertility expert to learn further about hysterosalpingography test prices in India.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery for blocked fallopian tubes can repair your fallopian tube obstruction. In addition, it also treats pelvic scarring, endometriosis adhesions, and tubal blocks.

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

IVF does not open your fallopian tubes. However, a noteworthy benefit of this process is that it lets you become pregnant in an alternative process. What it does is fertilise the egg outside your body and implant the embryo(s) into the uterus. So, it is the best way to bypass the fallopian tubes and achieve pregnancy.


Experiencing infertility issues in a country like India is associated with emotional, physical, and psychological turmoil. If you have struggled for months, it’s time you consult a proficient fertility professional. The International Pride IVF Centre is the best infertility clinic in Delhi. Learn how to open blocked fallopian tubes from this clinic. It helps endless families experience the happiness of becoming parents.

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