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Blocked Fallopian Tube Treatment: Female Infertility Treatment

Achieving pregnancy India is an emotional and personal journey for couples. However, there are difficulties associated with male and female infertility. With an experienced and knowledgeable infertility expert, you can successfully achieve pregnancy.

Fallopian tube obstruction is one of the most common issues faced by women who want to conceive. This post elaborates on the blocked fallopian tube treatment recommended by an infertility specialist in india.

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Laparoscopy is a versatile treatment for various infertility conditions. Firstly, it is used for women experiencing issues with blocked fallopian tubes. Laparoscopic surgery for blocked fallopian tubes opens and repairs the blockages. It’s a blocked fallopian tube treatment that provides a clear path for the sperm to enter the uterus and penetrate the egg for fertilisation. Besides opening and repairing tubal blockages, it can be beneficial for treating PCOD and endometriosis. Also Read: How To Open Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

Endometriosis is when the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside, causing fertility problems and pain. With the help of laparoscopy, the doctor can remove endometrial growths. So, it increases the chances of pregnancy.

Laparoscopy also treats PCOS, a hormonal disorder that creates ovulation issues. This technique punctures ovaries and can remove ovarian cysts, improving hormonal balance and improving fertility.

It’s an outpatient method that can diagnose and treat infertility conditions. The patient remains under anaesthesia during the process. A thin tube is inserted in the belly button with an attached camera. Two small incisions are inserted in the left side of the abdomen and the pelvic bone.


A thin tube is used with a light attached for inspecting the uterus and cervix during the hysteroscopy diagnosis. The surgical tool’s name is the hysteroscope, and it can identify blockages in the fallopian tubes. It’s a microsurgery used both as a diagnosis and treatment.

It can address various uterine disorders. The doctor recommends this treatment for several gynaecological issues. Besides clearing the blockage in fallopian tubes, it can be used for the following reasons:

  • Assisting underlying reasons for heavy, protracted, and irregular menstrual flow
  • Identifying and eliminating benign growths like fibroids and polyps
  • Spotting anomalies in the uterus cavity to impair fertility
  • Prepares for IVF treatment in delhi by assessing the condition
  • Treating uterine anomalies due to repeated miscarriages
  • Diagnosing cancer suspicion or aberrant uterine cells
  • Pinpoints causes of persistent pelvic pain
  • Revealing the size, lining, and shape of the uterus
  • Opens the tubal blockage (an excellent blocked fallopian tube treatment)
  • Allows secure insertion of IUDs or expulsion of intrauterine devices

IVF or In Vitro Fertilisation

Tubal blockage may prevent the natural process of pregnancy. In such circumstances, when you cannot attain motherhood due to fallopian tube blockage, you can consult your doctor to learn more about this process.

In general, IVF is one of the most effective fertility treatments, increasing your chances for pregnancy. However, IVF does not always offer successful results. Other techniques, like Assisted Embryo Hatching (described below), exist in such cases. Consult Best IVF Doctor in Delhi Today at Pride IVF Centre in Delhi.

Lifestyle Changes

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve your reproductive health and increase the chances of pregnancy. Being underweight or obese may lead to irregular menstrual cycles and hormonal balance since weight has a massive impact on fertility.

An experienced fertility expert suggests a balanced diet and regular exercise for infertility that helps maintain a healthy weight. Besides weight management, a woman should avoid alcohol consumption and smoking.

These lifestyle choices impact fertility by creating an imbalance in hormone levels. Excessive smoking or alcohol consumption can lead to issues like cysts, blocked fallopian tubes, early menopause, etc.

One should also give importance to stress management, as high stress levels lead to hormonal imbalance. An infertility specialist recommends practising yoga, mindfulness, and meditation to reduce stress and promote emotional health in your fertility journey.

Other Female Infertility Treatments When Pregnancy Cannot Occur Naturally

The following are the other infertility treatments that your doctor can recommend in case the tubal blockage restricts you from achieving pregnancy. Also go through 7 Steps To Getting Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes.

Test Tube Baby

The term “test-tube baby” is often used interchangeably with vitro fertilisation (IVF). However, there are specific differences between the two methods. The concept of test tube babies is new in India and gives hope to couples struggling with fertility complications, especially blocked fallopian tubes.

Test-tube baby method uses assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including fertilising eggs on the outside. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (or ICSI) is a specific type of ART where a single sperm is injected into the egg in the lab. When the male partner has a low sperm count or poor sperm motility, this strategy is frequently used.

GIFT (or gamete intrafallopian transfer) carries sperm and eggs into the fallopian tubes and depends on the natural fertilisation option.

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A Compassionate Choice: Surrogacy

Amidst female infertility treatments, surrogacy is a practical choice that gives women a beacon of hope to give birth to a baby. Here, a different woman (the surrogate mother) delivers the baby on behalf of the intended biological parents.

The foetus is implanted into this surrogate’s womb using the IVF process step by step or in vitro fertilisation. It occurs when the biological mother cannot become pregnant due to illness, repeated miscarriages, or other personal issues. The infertility expert can use this method in any of the following ways:

  • Gestational Surrogacy – Where the couple opts for the fertility treatment and stays the biological parents of the baby (the surrogate mother is the ‘Birth Mother’ only)
  • Conventional Surrogacy – Where sperm is inseminated by artificial insemination in the surrogate mother’s womb.

Assisted Embryo Hatching 

A fertilised egg in IVF doesn’t guarantee a pregnancy. Once the embryo transfers into the uterus, it must implant on the wall to achieve pregnancy. However, IVF can fail if the embryo does not implant. That’s where assisted embryo hatching becomes a safer alternative.

According to infertility specialists, laser-assisted hatching is the best method in case IVF fails. This method overcomes pregnancy hurdles that prevent implantation. Before inserting the embryo in the wall, the expert makes a tiny crack to attain successful implantation. Women above 37 can consult a doctor for a blocked fallopian tube treatment. Assisted embryo hatching improves the possibilities of successful implantation, which is critical for women experiencing issues with fallopian tube blockage.


Most women with blocked fallopian tubes may not come across any blocked fallopian tubes symptoms. However, some women can experience chronic pelvic discomfort. Other symptoms include painful intercourse, irregular periods, clotting, and spotting. it is crucial to understand the causes of blocked fallopian tubes before going through the treatment.

At the International Pride IVF Centre, you can get customized assistance from the top doctor in Delhi NCR. The clinic includes cutting-edge IVF and infertility treatments for blocked fallopian tubes and other male and female infertility issues. It follows a collaborative approach by integrating infertility and endocrinology treatment. From laser hatching to blocked fallopian tube treatment, the clinic can help you achieve pregnancy with a smooth approach.

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