Best ICSI Centre in Delhi

The quest for parenthood is a cherished aspiration shared by countless couples. Within the halls of the International Pride IVF Centre, a renowned haven distinguished as the Best ICSI Centre in Delhi, we embody the essence of hope. 

#Our ICSI Centre in Delhi stands steadfast in our commitment to guiding couples on the path toward this beautiful dream.

Today, we're excited to introduce you to a remarkable solution that has transformed lives – the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) treatment. Join us as we delve into the nuances of ICSI and its profound impact on couples grappling with male infertility.

Understanding ICSI Treatment

In the realm of fertility treatments, ICSI is more than just an acronym; it represents a key that unlocks new avenues for parenthood. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is a ray of hope, particularly for couples confronted with the complexities of male infertility. Unlike traditional methods, ICSI is a direct approach that involves the precise injection of a live sperm directly into the egg. This meticulous process significantly enhances the chances of fertilization, offering a tailored solution to address male infertility with unparalleled precision. With the Best ICSI Treatment in Delhi, we're your dedicated partner on the path to parenthood, offering transparency.

In the bustling city of Delhi, where the pace of life matches its vibrant energy, the pursuit of parenthood can sometimes be a challenging journey. However, nestled within the heart of the capital, the Pride IVF Center stands tall as a beacon of hope for those aspiring to build a family through assisted reproductive technologies. With its unwavering commitment to excellence, ethical practices, and a proven track record of success, Pride IVF Center has emerged as the best Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) center in Delhi, redefining the landscape of reproductive care.

Expertise and Experience: The Cornerstones of Excellence at Pride IVF Center

At Pride IVF, a cadre of distinguished reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, and support staff collaborate seamlessly, bringing forth a wealth of knowledge and skill honed over decades. These professionals are not merely healthcare providers; they are compassionate partners in their patients' journeys to parenthood. The expertise of the team extends beyond traditional fertility treatments, encompassing the latest advancements in reproductive medicine.

The center's commitment to staying at the forefront of medical innovation ensures that patients receive the most comprehensive and cutting-edge care available. Each fertility specialist at Pride IVF brings a depth of understanding to the diverse challenges of infertility, offering tailored solutions and personalized treatment plans. The amalgamation of expertise and experience at Pride IVF Center not only instills confidence in patients but also serves as a testament to the center's dedication to excellence in every facet of reproductive care.

Navigating the Complex Terminology

The term "intracytoplasmic" might seem daunting at first glance, but it encapsulates the beautiful dance of life that occurs within the heart of an egg. Imagine it as a small, delicate key that opens the door to the magic of conception. ICSI revolves around the gentle placement of a live sperm within the core of an egg, where the journey of life begins.

Who Benefits from ICSI?

ICSI isn't just a procedure; it's a lifeline for couples navigating the complexities of male infertility. If phrases like "low sperm count," "poor sperm quality," or "reproductive blockages" resonate with your experience, ICSI could be the solution you've been seeking. However, its scope extends beyond male infertility. ICSI may also be recommended to enhance the odds of conception in various scenarios.

Tackling Male Infertility Challenges 

The struggle of male infertility can be overwhelming. When biological factors create barriers on the path to parenthood, ICSI emerges as a guiding light. Conditions such as low sperm count, compromised sperm quality, and obstructions in the male reproductive system find solutions through ICSI. This procedure empowers a chosen sperm to overcome these hurdles and trigger fertilization.

Expanding Possibilities 

ICSI's versatility is truly remarkable, as it reaches out to couples beyond the confines of male infertility cases. Whether it's addressing fertilization challenges or elevating the prospects of a successful pregnancy, ICSI bridges aspirations and reality. Even when conventional approaches fall short, ICSI steps in, offering an alternate avenue to parenthood.

Ethical Practices and Transparency At Pride IVF

In the world of assisted reproductive technologies, where emotions run high, and the desire for parenthood is profound, ethical practices and transparency play pivotal roles in building trust between healthcare providers and patients. Pride IVF Center, recognized as the best ICSI center in Delhi, stands as an exemplar in the field by upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and ensuring transparency at every stage of the fertility journey.

Ethical practices are the bedrock of Pride IVF Center's approach to reproductive care. From the very first consultation, the center's fertility specialists prioritize open and honest communication, providing patients with a clear understanding of their diagnosis, treatment options, and potential outcomes. The commitment to ethical guidelines extends to the treatment protocols, ensuring that each procedure is conducted with integrity and respect for the physical and emotional well-being of the patients.

Transparency is woven into the fabric of Pride IVF Center's operations. Patients are not only informed but actively involved in decision-making processes related to their fertility treatment. Clear and comprehensive information empowers patients, allowing them to make well-informed choices and fostering a sense of partnership between the medical team and those seeking fertility care.

Pride IVF Center's emphasis on ethical practices and transparency not only distinguishes it within the competitive landscape of reproductive medicine but also establishes a foundation of trust with its patients. In an environment where sensitivity and understanding are paramount, the center's unwavering commitment to ethical conduct and transparent communication ensures that each individual or couple feels supported and empowered throughout their fertility journey. 

A Peek into the ICSI Procedure

At the International Pride IVF Centre, a dedicated team of compassionate experts, including adept Ob/Gyns and committed reproductive endocrinologists, orchestrates the intricate choreography of ICSI. The journey commences with the artful retrieval of eggs and the meticulous collection of sperm. This orchestrated dance ensures the utmost comfort for every participant.

Orchestrating Ovulation Induction 

Before the curtain rises on the marvel of ICSI, a crucial step takes place in ovulation induction. Through meticulously administered medication injections spanning eight to fourteen days, your ovaries are gently encouraged to produce multiple mature eggs. This process blends scientific precision with individualized care, tailored to your unique biological rhythm.

The Dance of Egg Retrieval and Sperm Collection 

Once the overture of ovulation induction concludes, the spotlight shifts to the graceful ballet of egg retrieval. Guided by transvaginal ultrasound technology, a fine needle delicately traverses the vaginal wall into the ovaries. Rest assured, this procedure is conducted under mild anesthesia, prioritizing your comfort. The collected eggs are treasures, poised to lay the foundation for the impending ICSI procedure.

The Masterstroke - ICSI Procedure 

Here unfolds the heart of the matter – the ICSI procedure itself. Picture deft hands wielding a pipette, cradling a mature egg on a laboratory dish. With finesse akin to an artist's brushstroke, a single sperm is immobilized and gently injected into the egg's core. This harmonious union of life's essential components transpires under the vigilant supervision of our team, ensuring that each delicate maneuver leads to the promise of a new life.

Ensuring Success and Safety

Your journey through ICSI is meticulously guided. Our vigilant monitoring keeps a watchful eye on the developing embryo's progress within our cutting-edge laboratory. When the time is right, our ultrasound-guided embryo transfer process guides the embryo to its destined home within the uterus. Patience becomes your ally as you approach the zenith of this remarkable voyage.

Guardians of Embryo Development 

Within the sanctum of our advanced laboratory, the trajectory of the fertilized egg is scrupulously observed. A team of skilled embryologists oversees the evolving embryo's growth, ensuring that each division attests to the resilience of life. This phase serves as the conduit between the marvel of fertilization and the assurance of a new beginning.

The Tender Embrace of Embryo Transfer 

As the embryo attains readiness, the baton passes to our adept medical professionals for embryo transfer. Guided by ultrasound precision, a catheter is gently introduced into the uterus, carrying the promise of life anew. This moment marks a convergence and a fresh inception, as the embryo seeks its abode within the sanctuary of your womb.

Patiently Awaiting New Beginnings 

With the embryo nestled within its newfound abode, your journey assumes an introspective hue. Patience becomes your companion as you await the subtle signals of life's miracle unfurling within. This delicate equilibrium between hope and patience sets the stage for the monumental discovery of a new chapter in your journey.

Success Rates that Speak Volumes At Pride IVF

The hallmark of any reputable fertility center is its success rate, and Pride IVF Center stands out with a record that speaks volumes about its commitment to excellence. The center consistently achieves high success rates in ICSI procedures, a testament to the expertise of its medical team and the effectiveness of its treatment protocols. These impressive success rates are not just numbers; they represent the fulfillment of dreams and the creation of families that may have seemed unattainable.

Pride IVF Center's success rates are a result of a personalized approach to each patient's unique situation. The center recognizes that fertility challenges are diverse, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Tailored treatment plans, coupled with meticulous attention to detail in every step of the process, contribute to the remarkable success stories that emerge from Pride IVF Center.

Choosing the right fertility center is a decision of prime importance, and Pride IVF Center stands out as the preeminent choice for individuals and couples embarking on the journey to parenthood in Delhi. Beyond its unparalleled expertise, ethical practices, and exceptional success rates, the center fosters a sense of community and support. Pride IVF Center recognizes that the emotional aspect of fertility treatment is as crucial as the medical aspect, and it provides a nurturing environment where patients feel heard, understood, and supported.

Pride IVF Center shines as the best ICSI center in Delhi, embodying the ideals of excellence, ethics, and transparency in reproductive care. The center's commitment to advancing the field of reproductive medicine, coupled with its unwavering dedication to patient well-being, makes it a beacon of hope for those navigating the intricate path to parenthood. For anyone seeking the highest standards of care and the realization of their dream to have a family, Pride IVF Center stands as a trusted partner and a symbol of hope in the heart of Delhi.

The Good and the Not-So-Good

ICSI arrives with a promise of hope. Its personalized approach contributes to a higher success rate, particularly in cases of male infertility. However, akin to any journey, there are twists in the road. There's a remote possibility of egg damage or unsuccessful fertilization. Yet, within these challenges, lies the strength of our team's dedication – to empower you with knowledge and unwavering support.

Recovery and Looking Ahead

Stepping into the world of ICSI initiates a path of recovery that's as unique as your fingerprint. The road ahead holds promise, though it's tailored to each individual's circumstances. It's essential to remember that you're not on this transformative journey alone. The International Pride IVF Centre stands as a pillar of strength, ready to offer guidance and care as you traverse this life-altering experience.

Expert Care at International Pride IVF Centre

More than a facility, the International Pride IVF Centre stands as a haven where dreams become reality. As the Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi, our commitment goes beyond medical excellence, encompassing empathy and support. We offer transparency in ICSI cost in Delhi. Our holistic approach weaves expertise and compassion, ensuring your journey is one of hope and fulfillment.


Parenthood's path weaves through challenges and triumphs, creating a tapestry of cherished memories. Through the miracle of ICSI, we've witnessed dreams transforming into reality, turning obstacles into opportunities. As the Best ICSI Centre in Delhi, the International Pride IVF Centre stands as a sanctuary of hope, where compassionate hands and expert minds guide you through each step. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, unveiling doors that lead to the most cherished moments life has to offer.


Q. What is the cost of an ICSI injection?

The cost of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) in India typically ranges from INR 15,000 to INR 25,000 per cycle. However, this cost may vary depending on factors such as the clinic's location, reputation, and any additional services or medications required. ICSI is commonly used alongside In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to assist with fertilization when there are male factor fertility issues or other challenges. Patients should inquire about specific pricing details and any potential discounts or package deals offered by the clinic before proceeding with ICSI treatment.

Q. Is ICSI 100 successful?

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is not guaranteed to be 100% successful. While it is a highly effective assisted reproductive technology, the success of ICSI depends on various factors, including the quality of the sperm and eggs, the expertise of the embryologist performing the procedure, and the overall health of the individuals undergoing treatment. While ICSI has significantly improved fertilization rates, there is still a chance of treatment failure or complications. Patients should discuss the potential success rates and risks of ICSI with their healthcare provider before undergoing the procedure.

Q. How much sperm is needed for ICSI?

For ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), only a single sperm is required per egg. This highly specialized technique involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg to facilitate fertilization. Therefore, the quantity of sperm needed for ICSI is minimal compared to conventional IVF methods. Even in cases of severe male infertility where sperm counts are low, sperm can often be retrieved through techniques like testicular sperm extraction (TESE) or epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) to be used for ICSI. The precise handling of individual sperm ensures the success of fertilization in ICSI procedures.

Q. Which is cheaper IVF or ICSI?

In India, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is generally cheaper than ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). The basic cost of a single IVF cycle ranges from around INR 80,000 to INR 1,50,000, while ICSI typically adds an additional cost of approximately INR 20,000 to INR 30,000 per cycle. However, these costs may vary depending on factors such as the clinic's location, reputation, and any additional services required. Patients should discuss the specific pricing details and treatment options with their healthcare provider to make an informed decision based on their individual needs and budget.

Q. Is 4 eggs enough for ICSI?

While the number of eggs retrieved during IVF varies, having at least 4 eggs for ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is generally considered sufficient for a successful procedure. However, the quality of the eggs and sperm also plays a crucial role in determining the outcome. A higher number of eggs can increase the chances of obtaining viable embryos for transfer. Ultimately, the decision on whether 4 eggs are enough for ICSI depends on individual circumstances, and patients should consult with their fertility specialist for personalized advice based on their specific situation.

Q. How successful is ICSI first time?

The success of ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) on the first attempt varies among individuals and depends on factors such as the quality of eggs and sperm, underlying fertility issues, and the expertise of the medical team. Generally, the success rates for ICSI are comparable to those of standard IVF, with pregnancy rates ranging from 40% to 50% per cycle. However, success rates can vary based on individual circumstances. It's essential for couples to discuss their chances of success with a fertility specialist and understand the potential outcomes of ICSI treatment.


Visit Now!

Dwarka: International Pride IVF Center, Plot No 19, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075.

Int Pride IVF & Research Centre


The Pride IVF Centre has demonstrated that its outcomes are unrivaled in the market with more than 43 years of combined experience. The goal of Pride IVF is to be the best fertility centre in the world. Since we anticipate their valuable dream, we work to offer each Pride IVF patient comprehensive care by integrating all medical services under one roof. We strive to make IVF in Delhi a financially feasible option for any willing couple. From the time they receive an IVF consultation until they leave the infertility treatment centre, Pride IVF's patients can count on individualised care that yields the right kind of good results.

Other reasons to consult PRIDE IVF includes:

  • With the assistance of the top IVF doctor in Delhi NCR, we are fully committed to what we do.
  • At our cutting-edge IVF and infertility centre in Delhi, India, we have developed a collaborative strategy by integrating endocrinology and infertility treatment.
  • We give each patient top priority, and our top infertility doctors create a unique treatment plan for each one of them.
  • We house modern technologies like laser hatching that are proven to increase the successful IVF symptoms.

Dr. Nidhi Sharma

(Miracle Lady In Fertility Field) MBBS, DGO, DNB

20+ Years Exprience


Happy Couples


Year of Exprience





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