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Blocked Fallopian Tubes Ultrasound: Way to Diagnose Female Infertility

Infertility (infertility meaning) can take a toll on a woman’s life. Suffering from the pain of not being able to conceive a baby brings physical, social, mental, and psychological impacts. From affecting personal relationships to creating distance from spouses, infertility issues can affect a woman’s life negatively. Among the various reasons, fallopian tube blockage is one of the primary causes.

Blocked fallopian tubes, also known as tubal occlusion, do not have any symptoms at first. However, there are risk factors involved that may increase the chances of developing a dangerous condition or disease. In a few women, blocked fallopian tubes symptoms like pain in the belly or pelvis may occur.

The pain may occur regularly or during the menstruation cycle. Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most life-altering instances, where the fertilised egg is stuck in the fallopian tube. This condition occurs with fallopian tube obstruction.

Other causes include STDs like chlamydia, pelvic infection, previous burst appendix, endometriosis, abdominal surgery, or hydrosalpinx. This comprehensive post elaborates on the most common methods to diagnose female infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes. Pride IVF Centre in Delhi provides you with the required guidance.

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Blocked Fallopian Tubes and Infertility Diagnosis: Top Ways a Doctor Analyses the Root Cause

If you face difficulty conceiving, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis. In general, the medical professional conducts certain tests to evaluate the condition of your fallopian tube. Welcome to this post that outlines the most common tests conducted for diagnosing blocked fallopian tubes or fallopian tube obstructions:

Blocked Fallopian Tubes Ultrasound Scans

Ultrasound imaging is a diagnostic process for assessing female infertility caused due to blocked fallopian tubes. This non-invasive method evaluates the condition of the reproductive system. During this process, a small probe is inserted in the vagina during the transvaginal ultrasound to check the condition of the fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the ovaries.

The blocked fallopian tubes ultrasound is done during mid or late pregnancy. In simple words, a transducer (a device emitting and receiving sound waves for the ultrasound) is moved over the abdomen. During the test, ultrasound scans offer information on the endometrial lining, uterus, and ovaries. Specialised ultrasounds also evaluate the ovarian reserve, shape of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

During any fertility treatment, ultrasound imaging monitors follicle development in ovaries. Besides, it can also measure the endometrial lining’s thickness. It works using high-frequency sound waves that create photos of the internal organs.

It’s a basic diagnostic tool for female infertility, offering a non-invasive look at the reproductive system. After a small probe gets inserted into the vagina during the transvaginal ultrasound, special images are created. The female infertility test identifies structural problems like ovarian cysts, fibroids, and anomalies in your uterus.

Did you know external pelvic ultrasounds provide a better picture of the pelvic area? It can diagnose disorders such as polycystic ovaries. A medical professional uses the method to diagnose structural issues. Besides evaluating your reproductive system’s condition, it determines blocked fallopian tube treatment.

Also Read: 7 Steps To Getting Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes, How To Open Blocked Fallopian Tubes?


Besides blocked fallopian tubes ultrasound imaging, hysterosalpingography is a common test conducted for evaluating the condition. HSG or hysterosalpingography assess the shape of your uterus. In addition, it also evaluates whether the fallopian tubes are closed or open.

This X-ray dye test is used for diagnosing fertility issues. During the test, the X-ray tracks the condition of the uterine cavity as well as the fallopian tubes. The HSG helps spot issues in the reproductive system. It’s one of the best diagnosis processes to determine the causes of blocked fallopian tubes and miscarriages due to issues in the uterus.

While examining the blockage in the fallopian tubes, this test evaluates the impact of tubal surgery and other conditions that may result in scarring. It also investigates the causes of female infertility and repeated miscarriages from issues like adhesions, uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, tumours, etc.

To prepare for the test, the patient needs to consult the doctor regarding the signs of pelvic infection or undiagnosed STDs. Hysterosalpingography tests are the form of radiation such as radio or light waves passing through the concerned area of your body.

The radiologist aims the beam at that particular area while the machine produces bursts of radiation passing through the body. The radiation records the image on the photographic film or special detector. Maximum X-ray images are digitally stored, so your doctor can access them easily to analyse the root cause. Learn more about the hysterosalpingography test price.

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Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows a doctor to see inside the body. When the procedure is part of fertility testing, the doctor evaluates the structures of the reproductive system, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

Laparoscopy is one of the most seamless methods to assess female infertility. After assessing the condition of the reproductive system using this method, the doctor can propose the right therapy. In this technique, tiny abdominal incisions are created, and a laparoscope is inserted inside them. It’s an illuminated and thin tube attached to a camera. Laparoscopic surgery for blocked fallopian tubes is a very common procedure.

This diagnostic method helps the medical professional detect the causes of infertility in women. The causes include endometriosis, formation of scar in the fallopian tube, blocked fallopian tubes, fibroids, and other reproductive abnormalities. During the procedure, a needle is inserted into your abdomen, and gas is injected.

After this, the needle is removed, and a camera is inserted into the instrument called a laparoscope using a small incision. Then, the small probe is inserted after making the second incision. This diagnostic method offers a close view of the reproductive organs, thereby assessing the condition of the fallopian tubes. If it detects tissues resembling the uterine lining outside the uterus, it indicates issues in the fallopian tubes that lead to excessive discomfort.

Laparoscopy can also be used by surgeons to remove ovarian cysts, fibroids, and scar tissue (or adhesions). Compared to conventional surgery, it’s a less invasive method, offering speedier periods and reduced postoperative discomfort.

This infertility test offers clear diagnostic information and an opportunity for speedier remedial action in one single surgery.


Booking an appointment for the above tests for female infertility can transform your life. So, for a couple to embark on this parenthood journey, understanding the root causes of infertility issues becomes imperative.

On that note, infertility tests for women are the foundation step that offers hope and assurance to conceive a baby. At PrideIVF, the tests mentioned above are conducted to identify the underlying causes of reproductive issues. The professionals offer customised treatments by detecting structural problems, hormone imbalances, and other causes.

While planning a pregnancy, you may think of consulting the doctor for any issues. So, if you have infertility problems, it’s the right time to visit this clinic. The team can offer the best female infertility treatment according to your conditions.

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