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Oligospermia Treatment: What Are the Options, Causes & Symptoms?

Low sperm count, commonly known as oligospermia, is a typical reason for infertility in male. It describes an ejaculate that contains less sperm than normal. The best male fertility doctors at Pride IVF have a great expertise in oligospermia treatment. With our knowledge and commitment, we work to support couples in overcoming oligospermia and realizing their parental aspirations.

Read on to find out more about Oligospermia, its causes, symptoms and the various treatment options for male infertility due to Oligospermia.

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What Is Oligospermia?

Male infertility is the inability of a man to impregnate a female partner due to different issues related to his reproductive system. Oligospermia, a disorder marked by a lower-than-normal sperm count in the ejaculate, is one prevalent reason for male infertility. In cases of oligospermia, the sperm concentration in the semen is lower than what is necessary for a successful conception.

Based on the quantity of sperm present, male infertility types are divided into mild, moderate, and severe categories. Severe oligospermia implies a considerably decreased sperm count compared to mild oligospermia, which is somewhat lower. Less than 15 million sperm in 1 milliliter of semen indicates this condition.

Many couples throughout the world are impacted by this issue, which may be extremely stressful and frustrating for those who are trying to conceive. Couples are impacted by oligospermia because it lowers the likelihood of natural conception, which makes pregnancy more challenging. To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, it could be necessary to utilize assisted reproductive technologies like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

It’s critical for couples dealing with Oligospermia to seek the assistance of a male fertility doctor. To address male infertility and increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy, Pride IVF, the best fertility clinic in Delhi, uses cutting-edge technology, personalized oligospermia treatment programmes, and thorough evaluations. The chances of the couple having children might be greatly improved by an early diagnosis and suitable treatment at Pride IVF.


Causes Of Oligospermia

Low sperm counts, or oligospermia, have many reasons, with lifestyle, environmental, and medical variables being major contributors.

1. Medical Factors:

Oligospermia can be influenced by several underlying illnesses and medical disorders. These consist of:

Hormonal Imbalances: The production of sperm can be impacted by imbalances in testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Varicocele: A varicocele is an enlarged vein in the scrotum that raises the temperature of the testicles and impairs sperm production.

infections: Sexually transmitted diseases or reproductive system illnesses like epididymitis can impact the sperm count and create inflammation.

Genetic anomalies: Some genetic disorders can affect sperm quality and production, which can result in oligospermia.

2. Environmental Aspects:

The environment can also affect oligospermia. Environmental contaminants and pollution can have a deleterious impact on sperm production. These elements might consist of:

Chemical Exposure: Prolonged exposure to substances such as pesticides, chemicals, and industrial pollutants can harm sperm motility and count.

Radiation: Sperm-producing cells can be harmed from excessive radiation exposure, whether it is from a job or medical care.

3. Lifestyle Factors:

Some lifestyle decisions can have a big impact on male fertility and cause oligospermia. These elements consist of:

Smoking: Smoking is linked to lower sperm counts, slower sperm motility, and more defective sperm.

Alcohol and Drug Use: Using drugs and alcohol excessively might affect the quantity and quality of sperm.

Obesity: Being fat or overweight might throw off the body’s hormonal balance and cause oligospermia.

Stress: Long-term stress can interfere with hormonal balance and reduce sperm production.

Heat Exposition: Regular exposure to hot environments, like those seen in saunas or hot tubs, might momentarily lower sperm production.

Infections: Epididymitis and other sexually transmitted diseases are examples of illnesses that can induce inflammation and impact sperm count in the reproductive system.

A complete assessment by a male fertility doctor at Pride IVF is necessary to address oligospermia to pinpoint the precise reason. Once a condition has been identified, the best course of action through lifestyle changes, and therapies can be suggested to increase sperm count and boost fertility. Couples dealing with male infertility may find hope and improved chances of pregnancy with early identification and tailored care of oligospermia by the team of specialists at Pride IVF.

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Oligospermia Treatment Options

The goal of Oligospermia treatment options is to boost sperm count and raise the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. There are several methods available, depending on the condition’s severity and underlying cause:

  1. Lifestyle Changes: A healthy lifestyle can have a good effect on sperm count. It can be advantageous to maintain a balanced diet, engage in regular exercise for infertility, abstain from smoking, excessive alcohol use, and use illegal drugs.
  1. Prescription drugs: In some circumstances, fertility doctors may recommend drugs to treat hormonal imbalances and boost sperm production. Hormone treatments or supplements may be included in these medications for male infertility.
  1. Assisted Reproductive Techniques: For severe cases of oligospermia, in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) may be advised. These treatments entail either directly inserting sperm into the female reproductive system or externally fertilizing the egg.
  1. Surgery: If varicocele is the reason, surgery will be used to treat oligospermia. The surgeon will cut off the swollen vein and switch the blood flow to another vein.
  1. Oligospermia Natural Treatment: Some herbal medications and lifestyle modifications are touted to increase sperm count. To guarantee safety and effectiveness, it is necessary to speak with a fertility doctor before attempting any oligospermia natural treatment.

The appropriate oligospermia treatment medicine or intervention will depend on the individual’s specific situation. Fertility specialists at Pride IVF can provide personalized oligospermia treatment plans, incorporating the most suitable approaches to address Oligospermia and improve male fertility.

Male Infertility Symptoms Due To Oligospermia

Depending on the severity of the illness, male infertility caused by oligospermia may manifest in a variety of ways. Men may not show any symptoms at all in certain circumstances, while in others, specific indicators may emerge.

Some common male infertility symptoms due to Oligospermia include:

  1. Difficulty Conceiving: One of the main signs of oligospermia is the inability to get pregnant, even after having frequent, unprotected sex for a long time.
  1. Ejaculate Changes: Men with low sperm counts may notice ejaculates that are thinner or have a smaller volume.
  1. Hormonal Imbalance: Oligospermia is sometimes accompanied by hormonal problems, which can result in additional symptoms including lowered libido, erectile dysfunction, or gynecomastia (enlarged breasts).
  1. Medical History: A man’s chance of developing oligospermia may be increased if he has a history of certain illnesses, including testicular damage, infections, or hormone imbalances.
  1. Lifestyle Factors: Some lifestyle decisions, like smoking, binge drinking, drug use, and exposure to chemicals in the environment, can have a detrimental effect on sperm count.

If a couple has been trying to conceive for a substantial amount of time without success, they must speak with fertility specialists at Pride IVF. Oligospermia can be diagnosed with a thorough assessment and semen analysis. Upon diagnosis, a personalized oligospermia treatment strategy by Pride IVF can increase sperm count and increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. This plan may include dietary changes, oligospermia treatment medicine, and assisted reproductive procedures.

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