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How to Get Pregnant in PCOS?

What is PCOS? PCOS is the short form of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. As per Gynecologists and infertility experts, PCOS is a lifestyle condition that influences 1 out of 7 women. Several reasons cause this condition.

PCOS can affect ovulation, hormonal functioning, and ovulation, and many women face difficulty conceiving due to this. It is wise to seek medical assistance whenever you struggle to get pregnant.

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Can A Woman Conceive While Having Ovary Syndrome?

A woman can get pregnant even while suffering from PCOS. However, it is vital to keep a few things in mind. Make sure you follow a healthy lifestyle, have balanced sugar levels, and moderate weight.

In certain situations, you can get help in conception from fertility medicines. But, if that fails, you should go for IVF treatment.

Ovarian Syndrome Symptoms

Here is a list of the symptoms associated with PCOS women’s disease:

1. Excess body hair, which includes back, stomach, and chest
2. Acne or oily skin
3. Weight gain, mainly around the abdomen region
4. Tiny patches of extra skin on the neck or underarms
5. Big ovaries or ovaries with many lumps
6. Hair thinning
7. Extremely light periods or missed periods.

Methods to Diagnose PCOS

The practitioner that you will visit will ask you about your health history or medical record, plus the existing symptoms. You will also need to give a medical examination, which will most probably include a pelvic examination. With the help of this exam, the condition of your sex organs will be checked inside and outside.

Many of the PCOS symptoms are akin to those of other medical ailments. Therefore, you could also undergo the following tests:

· Blood tests

These tests check the elevated levels of androgen and other hormones. Your doctor might even take a glance at your blood glucose levels. Moreover, you can even get your triglyceride and cholesterol levels tested.

· Ultrasound

The ultrasound test utilizes sound waves and a computer to make images of tissues, organs, and blood vessels. In this test, you will be able to figure out the size of the ovaries and check whether there are any lumps. You can even check the thickness of the uterus lining in the ultrasound test.

Also Read: How Long Does IVF Take to get Pregnant?

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Polycystic Ovary Treatment

PCOS treatment is dependent upon so many factors, which might include age, the severity of the symptoms, and your overall health. Whether you want to conceive or not may also determine the kind of treatment you get.

If you are looking forward to becoming pregnant, the treatment that you’ll get might incorporate the following:

1. A change in the regular diet and more physical exercises
2. Medications to result in ovulation

If you don’t have plans to become pregnant, the treatment may incorporate the following:

1. A change in diet and physical exercise
2. Diabetes medicines
3. Birth control pills
4. Medications for warding off other PCOS symptoms


PCOs is a widespread problem that can cause symptoms like acne, infertility, weight gain, or missed/infrequent periods. If the symptoms bother you, seek the ideal medical assistance or ovulation tests near me as soon as possible.

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